4 Signs Your SEO Strategy Is Working

SEO Strategy

SEO stands for search engine optimization and it’s the lifeblood of online marketing. Many businesses opt for hiring an SEO firm to construct their online presence and gather new online leads. A constant part of online marketing is ensuring that your SEO strategy is effective. Here are four simple ways you can tell whether or not what you’re doing is working to enhance your client base.

Your Busienss Has Increased

One of the first signs of an effective SEO strategy is that you have more business coming in. It’s very easy to notice that you’re dealing with more clients regularly than you did a couple of months ago. If you didn’t do anything else major with your off-line marketing, then it’s a very safe bet that your SEO strategy is the reason for your increased business.

Your Analytics Users Are Going Up

All SEO reseller services will allow you to track the users that engage with your website and social media pages. These are collectively known as analytics and are vital to tracking your success with various SEO strategies. Your SEO professional team should be able to show you that the number of users engaging with your online properties is increasing. While you can breakdown visitor stats on a daily basis, it’s a good idea to compare monthly changes. This will give you a broader view of how your strategy is going.

Your Website Is at the Top of the Results Page

One of the best ways to gain clients is to have your website show up at the top of the search engine results page for terms related to your products or services. For example, let’s say you’re a plumber in Tampa, Florida. When potential clients search Google and other search engines for a term such as ‘plumber Tampa’, you want your website to show up. Doing some simple searches to see where your website is ranked can help you to determine whether or not your SEO strategy is working.

Ask Your New Customers

It’s good to get in the habit of asking new clients how they found out about your business. If you notice that many are saying they found your website or social media page, then you know your SEO strategy is working well. The more information you can gather from new customers about how they found out about your business, the better informed you can be about your SEO success.

SEO is an imperative part of marketing for most businesses. It’s no surprise that the internet is providing a platform like never before that allows you to engage with prospective clients around the clock. If you notice the four signs above, it’s likely that your SEO strategy is paying off.