7 Reasons Why Mobile App Start-Up Fail

7 Reasons Why Mobile App Start-Up Fail

Do you have a business idea? Yes! Then you’ll need an app to help your business reach out to the customers. This is the first conversation a person has with himself when they get enlightened by new business ideas.

While we see new business ideas shaping into reality every day, there lies the prime requirement of equipping those businesses with the appropriate tech to help them reach the masses. This ingenious responsibility is taken by companies that master the art of Mobile App Development.

With a whopping 4 million Google and Apple combined apps, we have seen an abnormal hike in the Mobile App Development Start-up sector. The market for mobile app development has gotten overcrowded. This makes it difficult for investors to find a successful investment.

Isn’t it obvious that all these start-ups won’t be able to withstand the challenges of time? Statistics state that about 4/5th of these start-ups fail due to a variety of reasons. This blog sheds some light on what mistakes one should avoid developing a successful mobile app start-up.

Here are some prominent mistakes that mobile start-ups make:

  • Inadequate Planning:

A simple trip to your favorite destination also requires a bit of planning. I am sure you can now understand the gravity of how important planning is when you consider app development from scratch. The questions one should ask themselves before developing an app are:

  • What is your goal with this app?
  • Is there a dedicated audience for your app?
  • How will it be useful to people?
  • Do you possess the right team and resources to build this app?

Answering these questions correctly will help you imagine where you are and where you want to go. It will design the path you’ll follow while developing any application.

  • Ineffectual Design:

Who likes boring and/or complicated designs? Not me. And I am sure a majority of people don’t connect well with applications if they aren’t user friendly or if they don’t feel easy on the eyes.

An easy app is the one where one intuitively learns how it functions rather than scratching their head to perform every new task.

Simplicity, explicit visuals, and easy access are pivotal for designing a user-friendly app.

It’s the art of presentation that would decide the longevity of your app. If people don’t connect with your design they are unlikely to use the app.

  • Targeting the wrong Audience:

If you own a car company, you’d know what are potential customers who can afford the cars you manufacture. The same philosophy holds true for mobile applications.

Studying your customer’s psychology is the most crucial part of building a successful mobile app. The features of your app should be in congruence with your audience’s wants.

In addition to this, one must be aware of what their target audience expects from them. To fulfill their expectations one must avail certain data like the targeted age group, their occupation, location, etc.

One should research well about what motivates their audience in order to advertise effectively. Your app should be a combination of the services you want to provide them that also inculcates the features they expect from your app.

  • Conflicting App Experience:

To earn your customer’s trust one has to deliver its service through their app. If your app doesn’t live up to your word it will create a conflict in the user’s mind. In this globalized economy, it’s easy for a user’s interest to switch in any which ways.

Your app should be tried and tested thoroughly in the app development process. The minimizing or skipping of the process can have dire consequences.

One must make sure that every type of device is compatible with the platform in which the app is designed.

An optimized product is what the users wish for.

  • Inaccurate Marketing Strategy:

If you want the users to stick as glue you have to serve them with something they need. Something that earns you the fortune of being the provider. But to achieve that you have to first convince them to start using that particular app.

The process of bringing a product to a user’s attention is what a good marketing strategy is all about. Your efforts would amount to nothing if you don’t have a solid marketing strategy.

Your primary and only aim should be to showcase how your app would serve the customers better than the already existing apps. While marketing your app in a way that propels the user to go out of their way and try something new as it seems more comfortable and rewarding.

  • Misguided Budgeting:

While developing a sturdy app is necessary, it is important not to go bankrupt at the same time.

Your budget must be planned in a way that it helps you survive through the development and launch process. Having a series of back-up plans is always a safer way to go forward.

  • Too Many Updates:

An update that serves a designated purpose, improving the user experience is always appreciated by any user. Other than this, timely updates to improve performance and security are valuable.

Rolling out updates often could annoy the users as it highly interferes with the user experience.


In conclusion, building a high-quality app that engages users is like playing that game of Jenga. Every piece used while building it has to be placed with meticulous planning.

Even a small mistake in budgeting, planning, or the marketing strategy can cause your app to fail. It is better to plan accordingly with strategies that help you survive well in the start-up world.