Smart Ways to Maintain Brand Equality During a Site Redesign


Your website is the front marketing face of your business that represents you in public. If your site is losing its traffic then you must look for a reason. In case it’s due to the web design then you must take some measures to maintain your brand equity.

Here are some steps that you have to take:


When the traffic at your website decreases the first thing that crosses your mind is its typical design. To analyze where you’ve gone wrong it’s ideal to make a full guideline of the format you urge to follow. Keep your current brand in front and check for the weakness (where you lack). If it looks like you lack in functionality then boost that up and if not then update the patterns, colors and make some little changes in your website.


Your Logo Design plays the most important role when you create a website or start a business. It not only represents your but clears the point that who you are and what you do.

While redesigning your website, if it seems like you need to update your logo design then you must do it. Most of the time the traffic on your website falls due to the poor logo design. Your logo is extremely important which helps in channelizing and promoting your brand.

If you want to design a logo for your brand, you can also hire some professionals to do it. Because only a skilled web designer can use the right colors, format, and tools to make it look attractive.


Where some brands are fun and casual others are different. Even your brand should hold a personality too. From the font you choose to the colors you apply, everything showcases your personality. To run your business successfully you need to make your website more engaging and interactive so the visitors can relate to it. Nobody visits a website for fun, people view it to look for what they need.

Your website shouldn’t be a typical version of your company’s brochure or card. That’s why you need professional web designers to help you create something unique and seamless. It can help grasp more attention and make people interact with your sense of delivering information.


Consistency is the key to reap great outcomes when you are running a business. Try not to recreate but make some little updates to make it outstand. Redesigning doesn’t mean that you should change the motive behind your website. But it means that you should make it more spacious by adding texts, colors and relevant things.

The reason why consistency is very important is that it holds the value of your brand. People might forget the name of your brand but your services and attractive logo makes them remember you. Also, people don’t like to visit complex sites with too many things popping on their main screen. That is why you must stay consistent and enable them to swiftly navigate your website. You can create an intuitive flow to guide the visitors. It can help them understand where to go. If they want to book your product/services, they are free to communicate even if they want to view your services they can easily visit the services page.

While staying consistent you must match the messaging on your website. Your site should say what you offer. Over marketing and fake promotions can ruin your image that is why integrity is more than important. However, make sure to add what you offer and what sets your business apart with making it easier for visitors to approach you.


When you begin to redesign your website, you get to highlight a lot of problems and opportunities that you might have missed the first time. The faulty things that you don’t realize during the designing phase can cause you trouble at the end. That is why it’s ideal to update your branding style. If you feel that your site is running slow because of the traditional branding methods then update all your marketing elements.

After making all the changes make sure to compare your site with the typical website design. The classic website style can guide you well about the things you should include. From colors, fonts to the type of styling used on your website, it all matters. In the end, evaluate your redesigned with your company’s social media account, business card, brochures, and documents.

Your website acts as the front face of your business. And, one thing that you must not forget before launching a website is ‘consistency’. To lead the market you have to be consistent with your patterns and brand style. Though you can make few updates to make it look more professional and trustworthy so it can draw attention.