How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace

How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace

The growth and success of any company tie directly back to its employees. For any employee to perform at a high level, they need to be engaged and happy in their role.

If they see no value in their role, motivation will decrease, thus impacting their overall productivity in the work environment.

To increase the level of productivity, employers should be actively implementing strategies and habits to maximize workplace efficiency.

Here are 7 ways you can increase productivity in the workplace.

#1. Invest in Proper Training and Professional Development

Properly onboarding and training your employees is crucial to the success of your company. As an employer, it’s your job to ensure you equip your team with the right knowledge and set them up for success.

Investing more time into solid training will not only help them to feel comfortable stepping into a new role, but it will also benefit your company in the long run. If an employee lacks proper training and is thrown into a role, their productivity will decrease.

On the other hand, equipping your team with proper knowledge doesn’t just stop after they’re trained. Be devoted to creating a professional path for them. If an employee knows there is room for growth, it will motivate them to perform well in their current role.

If an employee feels stagnant in their role, their productivity may decrease. To ensure you are retaining your employees you need to invest in their development.

#2. Delegate Tasks

Delegating certain tasks to qualified employees is important to improve efficiency. Some individuals may be better with time management and can handle juggling multiple tasks at a time.

Be careful with your delegation strategy. You don’t want to bombard your employees with work that they can’t handle. Remember you are trying to be efficient and maximize productivity.

Delegating difficult tasks to your strong employees can help them develop any necessary skills that will help them achieve professionally.

#3. Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

An employee’s well-being should always come first, as it plays a huge role in their productivity levels. Sometimes the workload can be so consuming you don’t have time to cater to your personal life.

Make sure your employees are taking their lunch breaks and moving around throughout the day. Flexible working hours are becoming popular amongst companies and can directly contribute to the well-being of your staff.

This flexibility will motivate employees to work productively. It also shows your employees that you have a sense of trust amongst them, which makes them feel valued.

#4. Offer Support

Communication is key and to determine whether your employees are performing well, you need to be checking in with them. Be supportive so they feel comfortable enough to come to you with any concerns.

It’s not uncommon for employees to feel intimidated by a higher authority, so they may not always speak up. Therefore, it’s important for you to take the initiative to check in on them from time to time.

Of course, you want your employees to be independent, but there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for help when it is needed.

Help your team stay on track by sitting down and setting goals with them. This can provide them with a clear understanding of what you expect from them, as well as the personal goals they want to accomplish themselves.

When a plan is set and goals are outlined, it will help increase their productivity and motivation to get there.

#5. Provide Necessary Resources

There are so many online tools you can utilize that can help your team manage their tasks, time, and communication, to help them be more productive during the workday. Determine your needs to see what tools will be the best to invest in.

Some valuable resources include:

  • Todoist for daily to do’s and tasks
  • Slack for communication
  • Asana for project and task management
  • RescueTime to track your hours

#6. Don’t Micromanage

There’s nothing more off-putting to an employee than a manager who is overly controlling. There are so many ways you can manage your team without making it seem like you’re micromanaging them.

Not placing trust in them can decrease their motivation to work and if they aren’t motivated, they won’t be able to work productively.

This is why checking in with your employees is necessary. Establish positive relationships with each individual and be there for them when need be.


Productivity in the workplace comes with many benefits and can help shape the future of your business. Invest in your employees and help them reach their full potential so they can continue to be productive and increase your bottom line. By implementing a few of the methods outlined in this article, you can develop a more productive workplace and continue to see the positive effect it has on your team and your business.